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24-Hour Crisis
Free, confidential, available 24/7

Emergency Shelter


The Safe Avenues shelter program provides emergency residential shelter services to individuals and their children who are in immediate danger of violence. The shelter has 6 rooms and a total of 16 beds.  When our shelter is operating at maximum occupancy, victims are assisted in locating available shelter facilities through Minnesota’s Day One network.


Our Shelter Program:

  • Assists victim survivors in need of safe emergency shelter due to domestic or sexual violence and sexual exploitation or trafficking.
  • Provides all basic needs for residents while they stay in the shelter 
  • Helps residents work on securing housing, employment and other self-defined needs
  • Assists victim survivors with developing a safety plan 
  • Offers advocacy and accompaniment to community services
  • Provides referrals to other agencies
  • Provides in-house support group
  • Provides daily one-on-one advocacy meetings