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Tragedy in Kansas Highlights the Dangers of Public Custody Exchanges



CONTACT:  Harmony Visitation Center

Phone: 320.214.0799

Email: [email protected]

Website:  www.willmarshelter.com




Supervised Visitation Network AdHarmony Visitation Center, a proud member of the Supervised Visitation Network, extends heartfelt condolences to the families affected by the recent tragedy in Kansas, underscoring the critical importance of safe custody exchanges. The disappearance and presumed deaths of Veronica Butler and Jilian Kelley during a custody exchange underscore the need for enhanced safety measures during such delicate proceedings.


We are deeply concerned about the trend of utilizing public places, such as police department parking lots, for custody exchanges. While these areas may appear secure, recent events have demonstrated their inadequacy in ensuring the safety of all involved parties.


In addition to the tragedy in Kansas, there have been numerous incidents across the country where violence erupted during custody exchanges in public spaces. These locations, intended for general use, lack the specialized security measures necessary to minimize the risks inherent in high-conflict custody situations.


High Risk PosterHarmony Visitation Center emphasizes the importance of supervised exchanges conducted by trained professionals in controlled environments. Our organization, along with other members of the Supervised Visitation Network, implements rigorous safety protocols to mitigate the potential for violence and conflict during exchanges. We voluntarily adhere to the Supervised Visitation Network's published minimum standards, which encompass all aspects of service provision, including safety and security measures for all participants. These standards are designed to ensure the well-being of everyone involved in custody exchanges.


We urge parents and caregivers to prioritize the safety and well-being of their children by opting for professionally supervised exchanges. These services offer a level of security and oversight that public spaces simply cannot provide.


For more information about Harmony Visitation Center and our commitment to safe custody exchanges, please contact 320.214.0799.


For inquiries regarding supervised exchange protocols and procedures, or to interview SVN Executive Director Joe Nullet, please dial (904) 419-7861.

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